Hypnosis Center of Virginia
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Hypnosis Center of Virginia
319 Edwin Dr. #103
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
ph: 757-619-0360
“It’s easy to quit smoking. I’ve done it a thousand times.”
“I quit after each and every cigarette.”
People call me and tell me they need to quit smoking. I ask, “Do you want to quit?”. They respond, “I NEED to quit.” I tell them, “I can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do. Call me back when you WANT to quit.
”How much do YOU smoke? A pack a day? Two? I had a man come to me who smoked fourpacks a day. “I use my current cigarette to light my next cigarette.” We figured out he was spending about $800 a month on cigarettes. I said, “You must have a really good income.”With a sad smile he said, “No. I don’t.”
It saddens me when I see someone who has lost control of his or her life. Even highly successful people sometime lose control of some part of their life. I can hear the anger in their voice when they tell me how cigarettes control them.
When people come to my office, I tell them, “You’ve heard it said we use less than 10% of our minds. Well today, you’re going reach a higher level. We’re going to the level where we say,‘Stop.’ and your subconscious mind says, ‘ok’.”
But whether you’re in my office, using the higher levels of your mind, or at home, using the skills you currently have, the principals are the same. I will share those principals with you.
We know you will find these principals valuable. Please consider sharing this paper with anyone you know that would like to quit smoking.
The right “why” will overcome any “how”
Why do you want to quit? Did your doctor tell you to stop? Do you just want to get your partner “off your back”? Do you think it’s just a good idea? Did you look at the thousands of dollars you spend on cigarette each year, and decide you’d rather spend that money on something better?
These are all good reasons, but they’re not the reason that’s going to make you successful. The one mindset that is going to produce the best result is if you can honestly look at those cigarettes and tell them:
“I don’t like you, and I don’t want you in my life anymore.” The mind set where you just feel“weird” at the thought of smoking.
There’s something magical about the threshold of my office. People cross my threshold and they lose interest in smoking. I had a woman come see me for Anxiety. When I said, “Let’s take a restroom break.”, she said, “Good. I’m going to go have a smoke.” When she came back in, I expressed my surprise that she even wanted to smoke once she crossed my threshold. She said, “Yeah. I went outside to smoke, but I realized I didn’t want to. So, I just got a drink of water.”
She didn’t come to quit smoking, but for at least a short while, that was her outcome. She came to my office to make her life better, and the thought of smoking a cigarette just seemed “weird”. If you have a really good reason to quit, it should feel weird just holding a lit cigarette.
Are you fed up with feeling shame? Are you fed up with feeling out-of-control? Do you love your grandchildren and want to enjoy being in their life? These are good reasons to feel “weird” just holding a lit cigarette. Yes, those other reasons are important, but you’ve got to do it for your own good reason. This is your goal, and the more you own it, the more success and ease you will experience.
Despite what you’ve seen in movies or on television, hypnosis is not mind-control. It’s a 100% consent state. It’s a process of moving to higher levels of mind where YOU have more control over your life. It only works if you to accept my suggestions. As long as you have a good enough reason to allow my suggestions to take root, “magic” happens.
Release self-limiting beliefs
“Roll out of it”
In Vietnam, when our troops were taken prisoner, they were tortured until they broke and did something disloyal to America. Some signed a confession they didn’t believe in. Some gave up information they didn’t want to give up.
Afterward, their fellow prisoners gathered around them and said, “Now, roll out of it, and become a loyal American, again.”
In a similar vein, people quit smoking. The pressure becomes overwhelming. They give up and smoke a cigarette, and then think, “I failed. I’m a smoker again.”
I’m saying, “Ok, you gave in. Now, ‘roll out of it’ and become a non-smoker again.”
One failure doesn’t mean you failed for life.
What if?
When I stopped eating sweets, people at work tried to help me by hiding the cake, and cookies, and other sweets. I told them, “Don’t hide it. I want to enjoy the smell.”
What if I can enjoy the smell of cake SO much, that I don’t have to eat it? What if I can look at how good it looks and enjoy just that?
Hypnotists help people change their minds. Like, “What if, seeing everyone around you smoke means you get to enjoy THEIR pleasure without putting a cigarette in your mouth.”
Even though we know nicotine is a stimulant, people smoke to relax. Because the way you breathe when you smoke stimulates the Vegas Nerve, which makes you feel relaxed. What if the next time you felt stressed, you breathed in a way to stimulate the Vegas Nerve, causing you to relax.
What if you found it easy to quit smoking?
Change your mindset
When someone tells me, “I hope this works.”, I know we have a problem. He’s hoping something outside himself will do the quitting for him. I help people quit to the point where “I don’t even think about cigarettes.” But I can’t do that if you’re sitting on the side lines,“hoping” our teams wins. I need you in the game. Dedicated fully. DETERMINED to make this work. Your determination makes all the difference.“
OK. I’ll try my best.” Your subconscious mind knows that TRY means FAIL. (This is where you TRY to argue logic with me.) Your subconscious mind doesn’t care about your logic, and neither do I. Try means fail. Don’t try. Decide. “To decide” means to cut off all other options.
DECIDE that there is only ONE option. To quit smoking.
Label it as a habit
What is a habit? It’s when you do something without thinking about it.
When you first wake up and go outside for a smoke. You get in your car to drive to work and reach for a cigarette. At work, it’s time for a break so you grab for a cigarette. At lunch… You get the idea. You didn’t consider your reason to quit smoking and then make a conscious decision to smoke anyway. You didn’t give it conscious thought.
Dr. Pavlov trained his dogs to salivate when he rang a bell. You trained yourself to reach for a cigarette when you get bored. Or stressed. Or when you (fill in the blank).
How many times have you thought about doing something, and then simply decided there was something better to do? Perhaps you thought about buying something, and then decided there was something you wanted more. Of course, that’s also true of cigarettes! The behavior is simply a thought, and it’s a thought that no longer has to have power over you.
Through hypnosis, you will walk out after your first session knowing and believing that there’s always something better to do than smoke.
Build an environment of success
It can be scary to tell people you’ve decided to quit smoking. “What if I fail?” It’s embarrassing to fail publicly. It’s SO much easier to fail privately. I know when I fall on my face, I hope no one saw it. If you’ve decided to fail, then absolutely, don’t tell anyone.
But, what if you’ve decided to succeed? Wouldn’t it be great to have a whole crowd of people supporting you? I mean, I’m going to support you either way. But people find it easier to quit when they tell everyone.
Send the message to your subconscious mind that there is only ONE option. To quit smoking.
I would recommend telling your family. Your friends. Your co-workers. You have decided. This is it!
Post it on Facebook. Announce the time of your first session. Take a smartphone video of you throwing away your cigarettes. Have fun with it; you’re doing something wonderful for yourself!
Simplify it
What do you have to do in order to be successful with this goal?
You used to do something. Now you don’t have to do it anymore. Just stop.
“But, it’s not as easy as it sounds.” I know. That’s why people pay hypnotists the big bucks.
This is what you HAVE to do: Nothing.
Do some research
Nicotine leaves your body in about three days. Faster if you drink lots of water. (guess how it leaves your body?)
Google the words “nicotine replacement therapy” and words like “success” or “efficacy.”You’ll find links to studies about things like “the patch” or nicotine gum. You may notice that many studies found success rates only as high as about 20-25%. You may also notice the“control group” who receive the placebo was almost as high. Around 15-20% success.
“But I recall them advertising a 40% success rate on TV.” That’s if you go to all the meetings. “My name is Jason. And I’m a smoker.” “Hi, Jason.”
The bottom-line? With nicotine replacement, likely four out of five people will fail.
What does this mean? If it really were just about the nicotine, those techniques would work.
Every time. But they don’t. It’s a habit, it’s a behavior, it’s just a thought.
We help people change their mind.
Smoking is a mindset. Change your mind and quitting becomes easy. Some people simply DECIDE. Put the cigarettes down. And NEVER pick one up again.
If you’d like help changing your mind, so quitting becomes easy for you, I can help.
RJ Roy
Certified Consulting Hypnotist
What is Hypnosis?
Remember when you were a child. Playing make believe. For the first few minutes, you knew you were a child, playing make believe. But, after a few minutes, you were a soldier, killing bad guys. Or you were a fairy princess, holding court. And you were so lost in your story, you didn’t hear your mother calling you.
You pass thru hypnosis when you go to sleep each night. You pass thru it again when you wake up in the morning. Every time you get lost in a story book, or a movie, you were in hypnosis.
All we do is take you to a level of mind where your conscious mind can communicate clearly with your subconscious. Then I tell your subconscious, “You are a non-smoker. And you’ll be a non-smoker for the rest of your life.” Your job is to tell your subconscious mind, “Yeah. What he said.”
What’s the next step?
I’ve helped many people quit smoking. I can help you, too.
Call now. (757) 619-0360
Copyright 2019 Hypnosis Center of Virginia. All rights reserved.
Hypnosis Center of Virginia
319 Edwin Dr. #103
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
ph: 757-619-0360